
image cropping/anchor test

The original image is a simple snapshot of life on a street in Bruges, Belgium. People are on their way to work and other destinations, crossing the road and taking a sit down to rest their legs. A lot appears to be going on, yet nothing particularly exciting or tragic has occurred.

Cropping an image can change its connotations entirely. Meanings of certain extractions can be billed as motivation pieces, news headlines or even propaganda.

 Image 1 could be a group awaiting some important occurrence. All other activity has been cropped away to leave the group, who seem to be awaiting something; whether or not what they await will benefit them can be questioned. Image 2 connotes mass travel; an exodus, traffic jam, evacuation or rush to enjoy the holiday while it lasts? Image 3 is of the two people crossing the road, but now that their destination is nowhere to be seen, they can appear lost, or part of the bigger group infront, their intentions unknown.

Image 4 is merely the skyline. Architecture can be labelled here, as well as the high rise nature of the buildings. Pollution, overpopulation, disrepair, poverty and a sense of the past seem to come through on this particular crop.

Finally image 5, an image with little to no excitement. The whereabouts is now unknown, but the people revert to their original purposes. The hustle and bustle of city life is focused on in its entirety.


  1. Well done Jack. You have explored the use of cropping on this 'snapshot' well and analyse the different connotations of the crops thoughtfully.

    Please re-label this as Cosmetics unit.

  2. Jack please re-label this post to Preliminary Task.
