
Thriller Evaluation: Question 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product?

If Blind Faith were to be brought to full length, independent film companies such as WT2 (now defunct) or Warp might decide to fund and distribute it. Because the film deals with situations which are recognisable to many young people in mixed race relationships and challenges ethnic stereotypes, an independent company may want to give it funding. Due to Working Title’s affiliation with Universal and the particularly British, niche market tones of Blind Faith, a distribution by Working Title would seem unlikely. Warp Films is widely known for targetting the 16-25 bracket with many unusual and entertaining films (including Richard Ayoade's Submarine) and music videos, so interest may be sparked by this, although considering the record of obscure short films such as Rubber Johnny and collaborations with Aphex Twin the story of my film may seem too predictable for Warp’s audience.
In its current state as a short opening to an unmade film, Blind Faith may be more at home on the internet. The most likely place of distribution would be YouTube because of its capabilities of distributing videos to a large, worldwide audience as well as there being no need to provide a fee to host the film. YouTube is also available on multimedia devices such as modern games consoles and iPods.

Unless as a pre-feature short, my film would not be suited to the cinema; if developed as feature length, it would be shown in independent facilities such as the Norwich-based Cinema City instead of corporate multiplexes like Vue or Odeon. If polished well enough, the film may be entered into one of the many yearly short film competitions open to aspiring directors. If popular, it may be given distribution on TV Choice on Demand for Virgin TV through Virgin Media Shorts, which fund and exhibits aspiring directors' work.


  1. Question 3: A succinct response reflecting excellent understanding of institutions and utlet.

  2. Whoops - last work in previous post, I mean "outlet"!!!
