
Opening to a Thriller - Costumes

  • White, collared shirt fit for office attire
  • Padded white winter jacket
  • Straight black work trousers
  • Well-shined black shoes
The main principle of Caesar as a character is his sophistication and strong work ethic. His smartly dressed presentation shows he is always ready for work, and is admirably studious. The bright whiteness of colour on the top half of the outfit makes him prepared for Winter, slightly more casual then if he was in a full work suit and helps his body to show up brightly on night shots. The main inspiration for the shirt and trousers was Det. Somerset in Se7en.

  • Bright pink neckerchief/scarf
  • Bong, black, possibly velvet coat
  • Black leggings
  • Black high heels
Although Helen's costume does not directly reference any of the fashion of Lisbeth Salander, her rebellious and defiant character inspired Helen's defiance of Jason. The outfit itself maintains femininity with the pink scarf, and further hints the Winter atmosphere. The blackness of the rest of the outfit reflects her bleak personal outlook and her desire to go against her father. The leggings and heels go partially with the femme fatale stereotype in their seductive qualities, but it is mainly to show a good sense of fashion.


  • Khaki hoodie
  • Crucifix Pendant
  • Black t-shirt
  • Worn denim trousers
  • Unkempt white trainers
The crucifix is merely an accessory, but it highlights Jason as a Christian, and a proud one to boot. The khaki hoodie juxtaposes the links with the army and plays to the stereotype of the hooded yob, plus allows him to hide in the woods. The black t-shirt is mostly obscured underneath the jacket, but may help him blend into the night. The jeans place the story firmly in contemporary Britain, but show Jason's possible financial problems, as do the trainers.

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